Many Scholarships and Freeships are available for deserving students. These are as follows
Government Freeships:
1.Students of EBC / PTC / STC Category.
2.Students of reservation category and the repeater students of SC //NT DNT / VJNT / SBC /OBC categories
3.ST Student Freeships.
Government Scholarships:
- Open merit scholarship
- National merit scholarship
- GOI scholarship to the students of SC / ST/ DNT/ NT / VJNT / SBC / OBC Category.
- Rajrshi Chahtrapati shahu Maharaj shikshn shulk shishyvruti scheme ( Open )
- Physically handicapped students (above 40% defect, Certificate of Handicap issued by the Civil Surgeon)
- Wards of Defense Ex-Serviceman
- Minority Community Scholarship (Minimum 50% marks in Annual Examination, available to all class.)
Documents For Scholarship:
1) T.C. Xerox
2) Marks Memo Xerox
3) Caste Certificate Xerox
4) GOI Scholarship No. (HSC Passed)
5) Original Income Certificate (Tahsil Office) – Last year
6) Original GAP Certificate -Tahsil (if necessary)
7) Aadhar Card Xerox
8) Death Certificate (if necessary)
9) Bank Account No. (Any Nationalized Bank)
Scholarship Link :-